Monday, February 14, 2011

Perfect Two

Perfect Two by Auburn

I love this song because the melody and lyrics are direct and uniquely created.

I know of couples who made this song their "theme song" because they believe that they complete each other. Apple to a pie. Straw to a berry. Smoke to a high.

A line from the song says "you're the one for me, i'm the one for you, we're the perfect two." I admire those couple who see themselves as perfect. It takes lots of love and trust to see perfection. Imperfectly perfect if I should say. Relationships are the most complicated matters in a person's life. Thanks to social networks, they made it easier to label by providing an "it's complicated" option.

However, complications are created by the self. Emotions and arguments do not complicate things, it is the self.

Say for example, A "perfect" couple is contented with their self. She loves him, He loves her. And they live happily ever after. SElf is satisfied; therefore, no complications.

Here are some "complicated issues" existing...

She loves him, He loves you. Usually this is easily settled by turning the offer down. The "you" in the picture may cause an impediment. You may either take advantage of the love he gives or turn him down and say that you love another. It depends on "you". He may complicate things as well; he can continue loving you and make a fool out of himself or he may snap out of it and welcome a new love. Either way, he needs to satisfy the "self" in him. She may continue chasing him and sacrifice love for pain or take away pain and consider being loved as an option for happiness--then again, she needs to satisfy the "self". This situation may also be used for a "He loves her, She loves You" situation.

She loves him, You love him, He loves both. She and You find contentment in loving Him. The problem occurs if She and You know of each other's existence in His life. They now end up fighting over someone who plays them both. He feels so confused because he thinks he really loves both of them; but the truth is, he only plays a selfish role. He benefits from both parties while the two end up broken hearted. The most awaited part in this scenario is finding out who-lets-go-of-who. I find this situation funny yet it irritates me. She can let go, You can let go, or He can make up his mind and choose. The "self" in them are never contented or at peace. This also goes to a "He loves her, You love her, She loves both" situation.

He loves You, You're not ready. This is a hard situation because he might be left with false hopes. He can wait if you ask him to stay, but he might find another and you might not let him go. Confusing huh? Well this situation is a bummer. He can either love you until he grows tired of doing so or a new love would welcome him. You can either grow a spine and show be happy with him or simply be honest and let him go. And when you do, there's no turning back. You should wish each other happiness, after all, it is you who chose to let go of love. There's no ready, set , and go in loving--it's more of a stop or go. No regrets. Take risks. Same thing for a "She loves you, You're not ready" relationship.

I am excluding scenarios that include an existing "marriage" as a barrier their relationship. Make life easy and respect values and morale. Most of all, respect your All Mighty.

We fall into various relationship conditions; yet the only thing we want to feel is LOVE. We want someone whom we can love and be loved as well. We may fall into risky positions but we do not seem to care because we find love in it.

My advice is, do not waste your time loving someone "complicatedly" when you can be loved by someone unconditionally.

Consider yourself in loving. Be aware if you are in the right track, or not. It's never too late.

I hope we all get to sing Auburn's Song to our lifetime partner in time.

Be happy and contented; do not deprive others of the chance to be happy as well. 

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