Sunday, January 30, 2011


To Jannie:

I’ve known you for years already yet I can only write a few. Time was not on our side and I was not given proper opportunity to introduce myself to you back then. I admired you though, as a sister. You are smart and mysterious, that was the impression I had. Last year, it was as if fate brought us back together. I needed a big sister. Someone who would assure me that everything will be fine since “she’s been there”. It was a lot of heartache. It was really sweet of you; keeping up with my posts and giving me your best comfort. I had someone to talk with—a big sister. Luckily, I finally had the chance to have a real conversation with you—in person.

That day, at a famous pastry restaurant, we had our lunch meal. I found it amazing to be comfortable around you. You had that magic in you; making people feel at ease. I went freely with my sharing and you gave me the great advices. You listened very well and I felt understood. It was funny that we had a common friend to talk about though… I felt so “light” tagging along with you and talking about random things and eating at a public place. That day was never enough. I am glad it did not end there.

I shared a friend with you the second time we hangout. I was pleased that you two got along pretty well. We had fun, thanks to you. You are a good ice breaker. It was as if I was the stranger and you two were close buddies. Those days will forever be cherished by me.  Star gazing, hiking, eating, making desserts, video tripping, and lots of chatting—moments like these are priceless to me. And you made it even more FUN; worthwhile.  I liked it and because of you, I loved that other friend of ours. It was as if you glued me to him. I know you knew about my feelings, and you had your own “cute” way of letting me “spill the beans”. You are so cool.

I am an open book and you read pretty well. Of course, you read me your stories too. You’ve been through a lot of pain and regrets. But you asked me not to see it as such; you told me that all will pass and everything will be okay—in time. I saw how you turned weaknesses into strengths, failures turned lessons, and rejection became opportunities. I held my head high yet you knew that I needed support. Well, you gave me support in all my decisions. You are my big sister.

I wish you happiness, love and success. Though I know things are quite tough for us for now, may you never forget that I love you Ate Jannie and I am really blessed that I have you as my friend. I am sorry if I made you sad with my decisions, but I know you will understand. You always understand me and give me advices that kept me going.

Ate Jan, may you always feel love and share love. I will be your friend as long as you want me to. I love you and Happy Birthday.

From: Christelle


  1. No matter what happened I will always be here for you. . .

  2. i recently had the opportunity to experience this magic... the only real magic i know. no tricks no misdirections no slight of hand... i love her too i know how lucky i am to have had the opportunity just to get to know her... i will always take care of this blessing...she is Gods gift to me, my answered prayers...
